
Type your research in the input field to search the table (Embassy, Phone Numbers)

Embassy Phone Number Photo
Austria Embassy in Paris
6 Rue Fabert
75007 - Paris
+33 1 40 63 30 63 Embassy in France
Austria Embassy in Washington DC
3524 International Court N.W.
Washington, DC 20008-3035
+1 202 895 6700 Embassy in the USA
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria
Minoritenplatz 8
1010 Vienna
+43 0501150-0 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria
Austria Embassy in London
18 Belgrave Mews West
London SW1X 8HU
The UK
+44 20 7344 3250 Embassy in the UK
Austria Embassy in Berlin
Stauffenbergstrasse 1
10785 Berlin
+49 30 26934280 Embassy in Germany
Austria Embassy in Bern
Kirchenfeldstrasse 77
3005 Bern
+41 31 356 52 52 Embassy in Switzerland